I mentioned Carrefour China is boycotting by Chinese netizens. Now the crisis is getting worse. Several most famous Chinese searching engines, which including Google China and Yahoo China are boycotting Carrefour China now, by blocking all the web pages, news, even pictures and blogs regarding the term ‘Carrefour’ in Chinese. That is to say, if you want to search ‘家乐福’, you only can see are these:
"The following information might against the policies, are currently unavailable".

These are all top serching engines in China. Till now, none of them has made any comments on that.
In a world where anyone with a keyboard and Internet connection gets to speak their mind, it so strange to hear about a place where the dynamics of the online environment is as you describe it. Some companies just do what they want (like Google China), while others do not have the basic right to speak their mind. It must be difficult to work in such an environment as a PR professional..
I'm sadly surprised by Carrefour's behavior as I always thought huge multinationals are protecting their brand image as their most valuable asset!!
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